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Cosmetology Statutes and Regulations
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Laws Relating to the Examination and Registration of Cosmetologists and Beauty Shops
K.S.A. 65-1901
K.S.A. 65-1902
Prohibited acts; exclusions from act; license as cosmetology technician; penalties for violations.
K.S.A. 65-1903
Schools; licensure and fees; instructor's license; instructor-in-training permit
K.S.A. 65-1904
Licenses; application and examination; fees; reinstatement of expired license; effect of service in armed forces.
K.S.A. 65-1904a
Salon or clinic license; application and fee; inspection and reinspection; practice in private residence; renewal; practice outside salon, clinic or private residence.
K.S.A. 65-1904b
Licensure, reciprocity, conditions.
K.S.A. 65-1905
Examinations; qualifications of applicants; temporary permit.
K.S.A. 65-1906
Display of license, inspection report and sanitation standards.
K.S.A. 65-1907
Inspectors, duties and training; student requirements; dual-licensed salon and barber shops.
K.S.A. 65-1908
Revocation, censure, limitation or condition, suspension, nonrenewal or refusal of license, assessment of fines; grounds; authority of inspectors.
K.S.A. 65-1909
Violations; civil and criminal remedies.
K.S.A. 65-1910
Invalidity of part.
K.S.A. 65-1912
Apprentice license; practice as apprentice required prior to licensure; charge for services of apprentice
K.S.A. 65-1928
Braiding of hair; exemption of persons engaged therein from practice of cosmetology, requirements; duties of secretary of health and environment.
K.S.A. 74-2701
Kansas state board of cosmetology; appointment; qualifications; terms; chairperson; executive director, treasurer; vacancies; oath
K.S.A. 74-2702
Meetings of board; records and register; seal; oaths; employees; inspectors, duties; salary of executive director; compensation and expenses of members
K.S.A. 74-2702a
Rules and regulations of board
K.S.A. 74-2703
Meetings of board; examination of applicants.
K.S.A. 74-2704
Fees and moneys, disposition; cosmetology fee fund
K.S.A. 74-2705
Fiscal year of cosmetology board
Rules and Regulations (Sanitation)
K.A.R. 28-24-1
K.A.R. 28-24-2
Personal cleanliness
K.A.R. 28-24-3
Communicable diseases or conditions
K.A.R. 28-24-4
Linens and Capes
K.A.R. 28-24-5
Surfaces and treatment tables
K.A.R. 28-24-6
Products and Containers
K.A.R. 28-24-7
K.A.R. 28-24-8
Single-use items
K.A.R. 28-24-9
Pedicure equipment
K.A.R. 28-24-10
Cleaning and disinfecting nonelectrical instruments and equipment
K.A.R. 28-24-11
Disinfecting electrical instruments
K.A.R. 28-24-12
Electrolysis instruments, equipment, and practices
K.A.R. 28-24-13
Physical facilities
K.A.R. 28-24-14
Rules and Regulations Exams, Licensure, Schools, Establishments and Inspections
K.A.R. 69-1-1
Application Procedure
K.A.R. 69-1-2
Applicant required to appear for next regular examination unless unable.
K.A.R. 69-1-4
Grades necessary to pass examinations; development and administration of licensure examinations
K.A.R. 69-1-8
Failure of examination
K.A.R. 69-1-10
Potentially disqualifying civil and criminal records; advisory opinion; fee
K.A.R. 69-3-1
Application procedure
K.A.R. 69-3-3
Facility requirements
K.A.R. 69-3-4
Number of instructors necessary
K.A.R. 69-3-6
Instructor Limitation
K.A.R. 69-3-7
Student Records
K.A.R. 69-3-8
Curriculum and credits
K.A.R. 69-3-9
Student services sign
K.A.R. 69-3-26
Transfer Students
K.A.R. 69-3-27
Disenrolled Students
K.A.R. 69-3-28
Enrollment agreement and refund policy
K.A.R. 69-3-29
Monthly reporting of student hours
K.A.R. 69-4-2
Student equipment and uniform
K.A.R. 69-4-9
Students; requirements for working on public
K.A.R. 69-4-12
Additional training license required to remain in school
K.A.R. 69-5-6
Curriculum and practical requirements
K.A.R. 69-5-14
Application Procedure
K.A.R. 69-5-15
Student records
K.A.R. 69-5-16
Identification of student
K.A.R. 69-6-2
Sale or Change of Ownership
K.A.R. 69-6-3
Care of invalids
K.A.R. 69-6-5
Display of sign
K.A.R. 69-6-7
Establishment closing
K.A.R. 69-11-1
K.A.R. 69-11-2
Expiration date of practitioner license
K.A.R. 69-13-1
K.A.R. 69-13-2
Inspections of establishments
K.A.R. 69-13-3
Inspection generated by a complaint
K.A.R. 69-13-4
Refusal to allow inspection