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Ethics Opinion Search

February 16, 2006


Opinion No. 2006-09


Patrick Wilbur

521 Durham Court

Lawrence, KS 66049


Dear Mr. Wilbur:


This opinion is in response to your letter received by email on February 6, 2006, in which you request an opinion from the Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission concerning the Campaign Finance Act (K.S.A. 25-4142 et seq.). We note at the outset that the Commission’s jurisdiction concerning your questions is limited to the application of K.S.A. 25-4142 et seq., and whether some other statutory system, common law theory or agency rule or regulation applies to your inquiry is not covered by this opinion.




We understand that you are asking for this opinion in your capacity as candidate for Kansas Insurance Commissioner. You recently received a campaign donation from a personal trust. The check was signed by one of the trustees. Your questions concern receiving campaign contributions during the legislative session.




1. May a candidate for Kansas Insurance Commissioner accept a campaign contribution from a personal trust during the legislative session?


2. If the contribution may not be accepted during the legislative session, may the candidate hold the check until the end of the legislative session?




K.S.A. 25-4153a states:


“(a) No registered lobbyist, political committee or person, other than an individual, shall make a contribution after January 1 of each year and prior to adjournment sine die of the regular session of the legislature or at any other time in which the legislature is in session to a:

(1) Legislator;

             (2) candidate for membership in the legislature;

             (3) state officer elected on a statewide basis;

             (4) candidate for state officer elected on a statewide basis;


             . . .


“(b) No legislator, officer, candidate or committee described in paragraphs (1) through (6) of subsection (a) shall accept or solicit any contribution as defined by K.S.A. 25-4143 and amendments thereto, from any registered lobbyist, political committee or person, other than an individual, during such period of time described in subsection (a). (Emphasis added.)


K.S.A. 25-4153a prohibits a candidate for state office elected on a statewide basis from soliciting or accepting a campaign contribution during the legislative session from any person, other than an individual. K.S.A. 25-4143(j) defines “person” as “any individual, committee, corporation, partnership, trust, organization or association. (Emphasis added.) This Commission determined in Opinion No. 1997-32 that based on this definition, “individual” means a “natural person” as opposed to an “artificial person.”


When interpreting a statute, the intent of the Legislature governs and the Legislature is presumed to have expressed its intent through the words used. When those words are plain and unambiguous, we must interpret the statute according to the intention of the Legislature as expressed, rather than determine what the law should or should not be. Mitchell v. Liberty Mut. Ins. Co., 271 Kan. 684, 694-5 (2001).


The statutes that we are interpreting here are plain and unambiguous. K.S.A. 25-4143(j) differentiates between a “person” that is an individual and a “person” that is a trust. K.S.A. 25-4153a provides that the only contributions that may be solicited or accepted during the legislative session are contributions from an individual; and contributions by any other person, including a trust, are prohibited. Therefore, you may not accept a contribution from any trust during the legislative session.


In response to your second question, you may not hold a check from a person who is not an individual until sine die adjournment of the legislative session. The check should be returned immediately to the donor.  






Sabrina K. Standifer, Chairwoman

by Direction of the Commission

