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Ethics Opinion Search

June 21, 2000

Opinion No. 2000-24

The Honorable Bill Graves
Governor of the State of Kansas
State Capitol, 2nd Floor
Topeka, Kansas 66612-1590

Dear Governor Graves:

This opinion is in response to your letter of May 31, 2000, in which you request an opinion from the Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission concerning the Campaign Finance Act (K.S.A. 25-4142 et seq.). We note at the outset that the Commission's jurisdiction concerning your question is limited to the application of K.S.A. 25-4142 et seq. Thus, whether some other statutory system, common law theory or agency rule or regulation applies to your inquiry is not covered by this opinion.


We understand that you request this opinion in your capacity as Governor of the State of Kansas. You have explained that you will be attending the 2000 Republican National convention. During the Convention you will be casting the delegates and will be honored by an organization in recognition of your work as the Governor of Kansas. Your office has advised Commission staff that you will be fulfilling your role as a delegate for approximately one to three hours during one session of the Convention. In addition, you will be addressing different events and conducting official functions in your capacity as Governor. You have informed us that you will be performing all of these functions in your capacity as Governor and not as Bill Graves, the party delegate.


May the Governor use campaign funds to pay for expenses associated with the Republican National Convention when he is performing functions in his capacity as Governor?


K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 25-4157a, is applicable to your question. It states in pertinent part:

"(a) No moneys received by any candidate . . . as a contribution under this act shall be used or be made available for the personal use of the candidate and no such moneys shall be used by such candidate or the candidate committee of such candidate except for:
    . . .
    "(2) expenses of holding political office;
    . . .
"For the purpose of this subsection, expenditures for 'personal use' shall include expenditures to defray normal living expenses for the candidate or the candidate's family and expenditures for the personal benefit of the candidate having no direct connection with or effect upon the campaign of the candidate or the holding of public office."
Because you will only be spending approximately one to three hours as a party delegate during one session of the Convention, and the remainder of your time will be spent performing duties in your position as the Governor of Kansas, this factual situation differs from those presented in Opinion 1996-07 and 1996-14. Because the expense of attending the convention is necessitated by and has a direct connection with the office of Governor, it is an expense of holding political office and may be paid for out of campaign funds.


Daniel Sevart, Chairman

By Direction of the Commission
